Trees and Gardens


All trees in the Conservation Area are protected under The Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and some trees are further protected by specific Tree Preservation Orders. Consent is therefore required for all tree work in the area, including pruning, felling, crown lifting etc… It includes trees you think might be diseased, damaged or a potential hazard, as well as dead trees. Building work (including patios and driveways) adjacent to a tree, or deliberate damage to a tree which impacts its health are also prohibited.

Therefore if you are considering any tree work you must seek the advice of the Planning Service. Carrying out unauthorised tree work can incur fines of up to £20,000, payable by the proprietor NOT the contractor regardless of any advice you may have been given.

Retaining walls, boundaries and hedges

These are all the responsibility of the owners of the properties, and should be kept in good order. Hedges should be cut back to allow free passageway on the pavement. The pavement should also be kept clear of any overhanging plants, especially ivy.

Trees should not be allowed to overhang the lampposts, as this not only reduces the light but may damage the lamps themselves. Please see the earlier note about tree works as pruning trees on your boundary still requires approval.

You can also download a dated but more comprehensive Conservation Area Advisory Leaflet.